


标签: 鞋帽配饰 其他饰品 饰品

归属: 鞋帽配饰 其他饰品 饰品

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粉丝 0 作品 7

点翠作为汉代已有的一项中国传统金银首饰制作工艺,深受一代代女子的喜爱,在流传的“绿云高髻,点翠匀红时世。”“施红点翠照虞泉,曳云拖玉下昆山。”“凌云列岫堆螺髻,出水新荷点翠钿。”等诗词中我们隐约窥探到这一抹上千年的蓝……她从漫长的岁月中向我们款款走来,越发温柔……现代点翠采用染色鹅毛,丝带等代替翠鸟羽,传承的是它工艺精细,艳丽拙朴的含蓄之美。 点翠工艺的传承,让我深刻的体会到了传承与创新的本质…… 此系列作品采用仿点翠的工艺与现代服饰造型相结合,简约时尚与古朴繁复的碰撞,传承与创新的兼容仿佛现代女孩与那历史长河里一代代迷恋那抹蓝的姑娘亲切的打了个照面:“嘿,原来你也喜爱这点点翠呀。” Diancui, as a traditional Chinese gold and silver jewelry making craft in the Han Dynasty, was deeply loved by women from generation to generation. In the handed down ”Green cloud high bun, diancui equates to red”. ”Shihong point cui illuminate Yu Quan, drag cloud drag jade under Kunshan.” ”Ling Yun row xiu Heap screw, water new lotus point Cui Dian.” And so on the poem we faintly peep into the thousand years of blue...... She came to us from the long years, more gentle... Modern point cui USES dyed goose feather, ribbon and so on instead of kingfisher feather, inheritance is its fine craft, gorgeous and humble implicit beauty. The inheritance of diancui technology gives me a deep understanding of the essence of inheritance and innovation... This series of works adopt the craft that copy dot emerald green and contemporary dress modelling to combine, contracted vogue and of primitive simplicity heavy and complicated collision, inheritance and innovation are compatible, as if modern girl and that history long river from generation to generation infatuated with the girl that touch blue affectionately dozen face to face: ”hey, originally you also like this dot emerald green.”


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