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  • 2016中国国际面料创意大赛作品征集进行中




    时间:2016.06.17-07.30 18735 收藏


主 办Sponsor:

中国纺织工业联合会 China National Textile and Apparel Council

特别支持Special Support:


China International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics and Accessories

承 办Organizers:

中国纺织信息中心 China Textile Information Center

国家纺织产品开发中心 China Textiles Development Center

中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会 The Sub-council of Textile Industry, CCPIT

纺织行业职业技能鉴定指导中心 Occupational Skill Testing Authority of Textile Industry

中国流行色协会 China Fashion and Color Association

法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司 Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited


Exclusive online media partner:




China International Fabrics Creation Competition is the most authoritative and influential event on creative textile fabric design in China, as well as an industry-wide showcase platform for emerging design talents.



Aim: The competition brings new forces of creative design by guiding new generation of textile designers to combine creative ideas and cultural tradition with market application, encouraging them to challenge creative limits and set the trend of fashion and designing creativities. Meanwhile, the event establishes a three-in-one platform of manufacturing, learning and researching, by which textile companies are given access to innovational resources of key fashion institutes and organizations. Through integrating and applying resources from both ends of industrial chain, the competition will commercialize their creative ideas and enhance the competitiveness of Chinese textile industry.


Jury committee: The jury committee consists of well-known experts in textile and garment development, color and fashion trend research circles, professors from colleges of art and design as well as brand owners, designers and buyers from China and abroad.


Promotion of prize-winning works: Winners will be invited to the awarding ceremony; the list of winners will be published in major trade media; prize-winning works will be shown on the competition’s official website and promoted at major textile exhibitions and events in China and abroad such as inter Textile.





Interpretation of the Theme

The fast development of science and technology is diversifying our life, and traditions and classics are being deconstructed and reconstructed to give birth to more fashion- and future-oriented forms of art. Primitive aesthetics are increasingly treasured, and worn-out, rustic and casual looks add new dimensions to natural textures. Fast-paced life and fast fashion are overwhelmed by easy-going life and slow fashion amid the big bang of science and technology. The pursuit of quality and emotional comfort has become a new luxury as more and more people begin to pay closer attention to internal needs and seek peace of mind. The post-retro era has come, which means people can learn and integrate styles and looks of different nationalities and different times, draw essences from the long course of history in more convenient ways, and turn them into luxuries with retro looks and antiques with modern looks.



Domestic and overseas textile and garment producers; textiles and pattern design institutions; teachers and students in textile- and garment-related colleges and universities; freelance designers. Candidates can participate in the competition in one of the following sessions: garment, home-textiles, interior textiles (wall covering, curtain, sofa fabric) and clothing accessories(tie and silk scarf).

报名截止时间 Deadline for Submission:


July 30, 2016(accepted by postmark)


【参赛须知Guidelines for Participants】:
To ensure the fairness and impartiality of the competition, candidates should read carefully and strictly abide by the following requirements on submission. Those who failed to provide complete information or submit the works on time will lose the chance to participate in the competition.
1. 参赛作品须为参赛者自行设计或制作,大赛组委会不负责参赛者对参赛作品拥有权的核实,若发生相关知识产权纠纷,由参赛者自行承担相应法律责任,同时组委会有权取消其参赛资格。
All the submitted works must be designed or made by candidates themselves. Candidates must guarantee they have the copyright of their works and shall assume legal responsibility for any infringement of intellectual property right.
2. 参赛报名主要分为两个步骤:(1)网上申报及作品上传;(2)作品邮寄
Registration is divided into two steps: 1) Online registration and upload designs works on the organizer’s website;2) Send the design works by post.
3. 作品参赛形式:手绘画稿或电子画稿彩色打印件。(任选其一)
Works can be submitted in the forms of either hand-drawn sketch or printout of patterns designed with computer.
4. 作品须包含三部分内容:
The submitted works should include:
Ø 花型图(需包含一个完整花回);
Pattern design (containing at least one pattern repeat);
Ø 模拟应用效果图(将花型图应用在实际的服装或家居产品上);
A picture showing the effect when the pattern is used on practical garment or home-textiles;
Ø 创意说明(灵感来源、设计思路、色彩运用、生产适应性等)。
Description of the design (source of inspiration, designing ideas, color application, production adaptability, etc.)
5. 作品装裱尺寸、装裱形式要求:
Requirements on mounting the works
Ø 将作品贴在 420mm×600mm的硬质卡纸上;
The submitted works should be mounted on a cardboard in size of 420mm×600mm;
Ø 贴附作品的底板请勿使用软性、过薄以及有反光效果的材质;
Do not use soft, thin and reflective materials as the backboard;
Ø 作品正面须体现:作品主题、创意说明;
Please indicate the theme of the works and description of design at the front side of the works;
Ø 系列设计请分别独立呈现,主题须标注清晰,如“夏日·荷塘”、“夏日·杨柳”;
For serial pattern designs, each piece of works should have a separate title, for example, “Summer • Lotus Pond”, “Summer • Willow Tree”;
Ø 作品正面不得出现有关作者信息的任何文字和图形标志等;
Any information about the designer including characters and graphic logos shall not appear on the front side of the works;
Ø 参赛报名表请勿粘贴在作品背后,随作品快递至大赛组委会。
The application should be send with works to the committee by express. Do not attach it to the back of the works.
6. 网上申报作品要求:Requirements on Online Submission
Upload the e-file or digital picture of the pattern design to the designated location on the website.
1) 花样设计正稿图(含设计图和效果图),图片处理成分辨率为300dpi,jpg格式,尺寸则按照设计图实际尺寸进行上传,图片的文件名请设置为:作者姓名—作品名称,如“王苏珊—天堂”。
1) Convert the pattern design manuscript (including the final version of pattern design and illustration of application effect) into image in jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, then upload the image according to the real size of the pattern design and the image should be named in the form of “designer’s name – name of the design works”.
2) 设计图的缩略图,图片处理为分辨率为72dpi,jpg格式,尺寸大小150*150px。
2) Thumbnail image of the pattern design: the image should be in jpg format with a resolution of 72 dpi and a size of 150 x 150 px.
3) 视频上传,视频内容可涉及参赛者介绍、作品创作过程及灵感来源。
3) The video that may involves contestant introduction, creating process and inspiration references should be uploaded to the website.
7. 每位参赛者提交的作品总数不超过5款/系列。
Each candidate can submit 5 works in maximum.
8. 参赛作品概不退还,请自留备份或底稿,大赛组委会有权无偿及非独家使用、复印/复制参赛作品进行相关的推广展示活动。
The organizer will not return the submitted works. The organizer reserves the right of non-exclusive using, copying/duplicating the works free of charge for related promotion activities.
9. 评审结束后,参赛作品将在大赛独家网络支持单位“瓦栏网”公开出售,所收费用归设计师所有。
After the appraisal meeting, all the entry works will be posted on (the exclusive online media partner of the organizer) for public sale and all the sales income will be turned over to designers.


* 以上奖金均为税前金额
* 国家人力资源与社会保障部的面料设计师职业资格认同本大赛获奖记录,相关奖项可对接相应级别进行职业资格条件申报。


参赛咨询 Contact
国内参赛者 Domestic candidate
China Textile Information Center/China Textiles Development Center
Add.:12 East Chang An Street, Beijing, 100742, P. R. China
李媛 女士 Ms. Li Yuan
电 话(Tel.):010-85229003 13426058146
传 真(Fax.):010-85229728

国外参赛者 Overseas candidate
法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.
张凤仪 女士 Ms. Cathy Cheung
电话(Tel.): 852-2238 9999


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