核心提示:岁首之际,灵感源泉 Pinterest 依托平台洞察数据,揭晓了五大 2025 年度流行色趋势。这场色彩美学的盛宴不仅为视觉领域注入新活力,更以专业视角为未来一年的色彩潮流指明方向。
Within the vibrant spectrum of color, every shade exists as a living entity,imbued with emotions and narratives that traverse diverse realms including style, interior design, and cosmetics.
岁首之际,灵感源泉 Pinterest 依托平台洞察数据,揭晓了五大 2025 年度流行色趋势。这场色彩美学的盛宴不仅为视觉领域注入新活力,更以专业视角为未来一年的色彩潮流指明方向。
In the dawn of the new year, Pinterest—the go-to visual inspiration platform—unveiled its top 5 color trends for 2025 based on data-driven insights. This chromatic showcase not only delivers a feast for the eyes but also charts the course for upcoming color palettes across industries.
一起来看看吧!那么,Pinterest 权威发布的 2025 年度色彩指南中,究竟哪些色彩将为新一年的色彩趋势奠定基调?让我们一同揭晓答案!
But which five hues from Pinterests 2025 color forecast will define the chromatic landscape of the coming year? Lets dive into the details!
Cherry red
Cherry Red is a bold, fiery red hue that glows like the succulent flesh of perfectly ripe cherries. This shade immediately commands attention, serving as an indispensable focal point in any composition. It radiates intense vitality while quietly whispering tales of lifes most passionate moments.
社交平台上,"樱桃氛围"" 樱桃马提尼 ""樱桃穿搭" 等关联话题的搜索量呈现爆发式增长,印证了这一色彩的超高人气。在家居设计中,建议将樱桃红与柔和的冰蓝色进行撞色搭配,若想营造更具高级感的空间氛围,不妨为其赋予金属光泽,让色彩在光影流转中诠释轻奢美学。
On social media platforms, the search volume for hashtags like CherryVibe, CherryMartini, and CherryOutfit has seen a meteoric rise, underscoring the colors surging popularity. In interior design, pairing Cherry Red with soft ice blue creates a striking contrast. For a more opulent look, consider adding metallic sheen to the hue, allowing it to shimmer with understated luxury in changing light.
Butter yellow
Creamy Yellow is a velvety mousse-like shade of golden beige,imbued with a delicate, creamy aroma that blends playful whimsy with ethereal allure. Resembling molten honey poured over silk or lily of the valley bathed in morning mist, this hue effortlessly infuses spaces with a sense of cozy nostalgia and fairytale enchantment.
In interior styling, Creamy Yellow artfully curates a sanctuary of soothing warmth. When applied to walls, its gentle radiance pairs harmoniously with the earthy richness of walnut furnishings and the tactile softness of linen textiles, enveloping occupants in an embrace as tender as a cloud. As window treatments, it transforms sunlight into a golden haze, filtering amber-tinted glow through fabric folds to infuse rooms with the mellow depth of aged time and the serene tranquility of unhurried moments.
在时尚配饰领域,奶油黄的单品总能为造型注入点睛之笔。从手袋到围巾,从贝雷帽到发饰,这种柔金色调以其独特的轻奢格调,为整体穿搭赋予高级感与精致度。其最迷人之处在于具备超强的肤色适配性 —— 无论是冷白皮的清透感,还是暖黄皮的健康光泽,甚至小麦色肌肤的活力气息,都能在奶油黄的映衬下绽放独特魅力。这种百搭特质使其成为时尚博主街拍的常客,更赢得设计师们的频繁青睐。
In the realm of fashion accessories, Creamy Yellow pieces consistently serve as transformative accents. From handbags to scarves, berets to hair accessories, this buttery hue elevates ensembles with its understated luxury, imparting a sophisticated yet approachable allure. Its greatest charm lies in its universal skin tone compatibility—flattering every complexion from porcelain fair to sun-kissed bronze, and everything in between. This versatility has made it a staple in influencers street-style rotations and a favorite among designers seeking timeless elegance.
Aura Indigo
Aura Indigo is a lilac-infused hue that straddles the line between contemporary chic and otherworldly imagination. Drawn from the cosmic expanse, this shade combines celestial depth with surreal allure, creating a visual paradox that invites profound contemplation of the unknown.
在超现实语境的创作中,灵气靛蓝堪称解构现实的核心灵魂。这种具有维度穿透力的色彩,擅长在物理空间中编织出迷幻的氛围矩阵 —— 它既能让物体呈现悬浮于异次元的视觉错觉,又能在光影交错间孵化出超现实的叙事场景。在前沿艺术展陈中,这种色彩常被用作现实与幻境的接驳器,通过饱和度的精妙调控,将观展者的感知系统带入虚实交织的沉浸式体验场域。
Within the realm of surreal design, Aura Indigo acts as a dimensional disruptor, capable of bending spatial reality into dreamlike constructs. This chromatic paradox crafts an otherworldly ambiance where objects seem to float in interstellar suspension, while shadows morph into abstract narratives. In experimental art installations, it serves as the bridge between tangible existence and phantasmagorical visions, manipulating light and saturation to plunge viewers into immersive liminal spaces where reality dissolves into pure perception.
在星际美学的演绎中,灵气靛蓝以星辰尘埃淬炼的色彩密码,极致演绎宇宙的深邃维度。当这种带有量子涟漪般的视觉韵律邂逅液态金属银与纳米纤维材质,即刻在服饰廓形间构建出异质空间的场域感 —— 衣角的褶皱仿佛银河漩涡的具象化表达,配饰的流线型设计则模拟着暗物质的流动轨迹。在精神疗愈领域,这种色彩被赋予能量导体的象征意义,通过波长调控在冥想空间中创造出沉浸式疗愈场域:当靛蓝光线漫过水晶阵与瑜伽垫,其携带的振动频率能有效激活松果体感知,引领意识穿越物质维度的藩篱。
Within the cosmic aesthetic, Aura Indigo serves as a chromatic cipher forged from stardust, embodying the universes unfathomable depths. When paired with liquid metallic silver and nanofiber textiles, it constructs an otherworldly dimensionality in fashion design—the drapery mimics galactic eddies while accessories trace the flow of dark matter. In metaphysical contexts, this hue acts as an energetic conductor, modulating wavelengths to create immersive healing environments. As indigo light washes over crystal grids and yoga mats, its vibrational frequency resonates with the pineal gland, facilitating transcendental journeys beyond physical constraints.
Dill green
Dill Green is a herbaceous jade hue that emulates the lush vitality of young dill fronds glistening with morning dew, subtly infused with the tangy crispness of fermented greens. This shade serves as both a paean to Earths bountiful ecosystems and a visual manifesto for modern sustainable living.
As global ecological consciousness continues to rise, Dill Green has emerged as a poster child for sustainable aesthetics in the chromatic landscape. In kitchen renovations, this mossy green often manifests as matte-finish cabinetry or artistic microcement walls, harmonizing with Carrara marble countertops and natural oak flooring to create a biophilic color narrative. When bathed in morning light, the cabinetrys textured surface sparkles with jade-like iridescence, transforming cooking into an immersive communion with nature. For wardrobe systems, garments in varying shades of mint green create a tonal gradient within the storage unit. Paired with recessed LED lighting, this design elevates clothing organization from a mundane task to a ritualized celebration of natural vitality.
Alpine Oat
Alpine Oat White is a velvety neutral base suffused with subtle mother-of-pearl undertones. This shade embodies the crystalline purity of Alpine snowmelt while evoking the creamy texture of oat milk foam swirling in a ceramic cup, crafting a minimalist narrative where nature and humanity converge in harmonious simplicity.
阿尔卑斯燕麦白作为中性色的美学标杆,展现出万能基底色的强大兼容性。这种裹挟着晨雾般朦胧感的奶油白调,既能驾驭多维材质叠搭的复杂叙事 —— 从烟熏橡木的年轮肌理到丝绒软包的触觉盛宴,又能在极简主义空间中演绎 "less is more" 的高级哲学。当作为空间主色调时,它与焦糖棕木饰面、珍珠灰艺术涂料构成自然色系的温柔对话;而作为跳色存在时,又能与克莱因蓝单椅、焦橙色地毯形成戏剧性张力,在视觉平衡中彰显色彩智慧。
As a paragon of neutrality, Alpine Oat White serves as a universal base hue capable of harmonizing complex material narratives. This mist-kissed cream tone effortlessly integrates with aged oak veneers, crushed velvet upholstery, and matte plaster finishes while maintaining its serene presence. When used as a primary color, it orchestrates a dialogue between caramelized wood accents and pearl-gray walls. As an accent shade, it creates dynamic contrasts with bold hues like Klein Blue and burnt orange, achieving chromatic equilibrium through intentional restraint.
Pinterest 揭晓的 2025 年度五大色彩趋势,每一种色彩都承载着独特的美学宣言与情感载体。它们不仅是视觉光谱的具象呈现,更是当代人对生活哲学的多维诠释 —— 通过色彩的选择与搭配,构建起连接个体情感与社会文化的精神桥梁。
These five chromatic archetypes from Pinterests 2025 forecast transcend mere color choices, embodying distinct lifestyle philosophies and emotional lexicons. Each hue serves as a visual cipher that decrypts modern sensibilities, blending personal expression with cultural resonance to create a chromatic dialogue between the self and the world.
无论是追逐炽烈生命力的樱桃红,还是追寻温暖与诗意的奶油黄;无论是沉溺于星际迷幻的深邃意境,还是钟情于自然疗愈的莳萝绿,亦或是追求永恒优雅的燕麦白,这五大色彩趋势皆能精准呼应不同的情感诉求。在光谱能量即将全面觉醒的 2025 年,建议以艺术化手法将这些色彩基因注入生活空间 —— 让樱桃红的跃动打破常规,奶油黄的温柔包裹日常,靛蓝的神秘开启冥想,莳萝绿的生机净化场域,燕麦白的纯粹重构秩序。当色彩成为连接现实与想象的桥梁,每个空间都将衍生出无限可能的叙事维度。
Whether you seek fiery dynamism, crave cozy romance, lose themselves in interstellar psychedelic depths, or yearn for natures therapeutic embrace, these five chromatic palettes offer bespoke solutions. As we step into 2025—a year primed for chromatic renaissance—consider artfully integrating these color codes into your environment. Let Cherry Reds bold pulse disrupt the mundane, Creamy Yellows nurturing glow envelope daily rituals, Aura Indigos cosmic allure spark introspection, Dill Greens organic vitality refresh your space, and Alpine Oat Whites timeless purity redefine harmony. When colors become bridges between reality and imagination, every room transforms into a canvas for infinite storytelling.
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