- 第五届中国(浙江)民族服饰设计展演 2024.11.01-02.28
Announcement of the Shortlist of 2022 China-Italy Youth Future Fashion Design Competition
Jointly held by Tsinghua University, Politecnico di Milano and the People’s Government of Keqiao district, Shaoxing, the China-Italy Youth Future Fashion Design Competition aims to harness the power of innovation across universities and all sectors of society in China and beyond, and to promote exchanges and cooperation in youth creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The competition, designed for young innovators (under 45 years old) from China and Italy in the field of fashion and design, includes three categories: Textile’s Printing Design, Fashion Design, and Accessories Design.
A total of 1,382 entries were received from 213 institutions in 11 countries. Among the entries are 130 for Textile Printing Design, 1,008 for Fashion Design, and 244 for Accessories Design. Following the first round of evaluation, a total of 100 entries have been shortlisted for entry into the second round.
Thirty finalists will be selected to compete for various awards and prizes in the final round. All second round participants will be given the opportunity to join exhibitions held in Keqiao district, Shaoxing. The final round of the competition will be held on November 11 (please refer to the official announcement for further details). Participants are kindly advised to proceed with their physical objects or models as early as possible.
The shortlisted entries are published as follows. If you wish to lodge an objection regarding the originality or authenticity of the shortlisted entries, please call 010-62780563/010-62780560, or email us at cidih@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn.