已截止主题:时尚·演化(Fashion · Evolution)
时间:2023.04.18-07.31 30576 收藏
主题:时尚·演化(Fashion · Evolution)
时间:2023.04.18-07.31 30576 收藏
Chinaand Italyare illustrative examples of eastern and westerncivilizations,respectively, andenjoya time-honored friendship. In commemoration of the 53rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy in 2023, the“China-Italy Youth Fashion Future Design Competition” will be launched in an exciting new way. The competition is jointly sponsored by Tsinghua University, Politecnico di Milano, and Keqiao District People’s Government of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. It responds to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech during his visit to Tsinghua University on April 19, 2021,andenhancesyouth exchanges and cooperation in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship,with the purpose ofencouragingthe fusion of art and technology. The competition harnesses the powerofglobal young talentsto make innovativedesigns, explore cutting-edge fashion trends, and pioneer future fashion concepts.With beauty as themedium, the competitionis poised tobecomean international fashion innovation platform,injecting new vitalityintoglobal fashion design.
I. Features
Integrate art and technological innovation to address the common challenges for human development;
Upgrade and transform related industries to facilitate the development of sustainable fashion ecosystem;
Build a platform with aesthetics as the medium to promote the exchanges and cooperation of global fashion design;
Discover and cultivate emerging star designers to advance the reform of fashion design;
Promote government-industry-university-research interaction to lead future trend of global fashion design.
The competition integrates resources in fashion design, innovative education, academic research,and industrial incubation, deepens the fusion of design innovation, production,and education,and discovers cutting-edgedesigntalent with creativity and vitality. It explores the future of global fashion design and facilitates transformation of innovative achievements of design into strengths, in a bid to accelerate the upgrading of industries in the two countries, meet people’s aspiration for a better life,and consolidate advancements made in global fashion design.
II. Goals
(一) 强化时尚设计赛事品牌
A.Raisethe profileof thecompetition
It is necessary toobjectively improve theprocedures,rules, and regulationsof thecompetition, raise the public profile of the competition,facilitatewidespread participation,build afavorable globalreputationparticularly in China and Italy, and create a renowned brand among global fashion design competitions.
B.Buildan InnovationNetworkfor FashionDesign
The Competition aims to build an international platform for fashion design, fill the gap between talent supply and industry demand, form a dual-circulation pattern that integrates university-government-enterprise resources as well as domestic and international resources, and build a cooperation network for innovative design where “art is combined with technologies, art is integrated into humanities, and academic research and practical use are equally emphasized”.
C. Transform the Fashion Design Achievements into Practical Outcomes
It is important to work closely with renowned enterprises to transform the entries of the Competition to practical outcomes by attracting investment, identifying market opportunities, and setting up professional teams. Meanwhile, we shall empower the industry through the integration of talents, projects, and content.
III. Organizations and Working Mechanism
A. Organizations
1.Hostedby: Tsinghua University, Politecnico di Milano, Keqiao District People’s Government of Shaoxing
2. Organized by: China-Italy Design Innovation HubofTsinghua University, Construction and Management Committee of China Textile City
3. Supporting Organizations.
4. Media outlets.
B. Working Mechanism
Theorganization of this competition consists of the leading group, the organizing committee, the evaluation committee, the expert committee,the enterprise committee, and the secretariat. The competitionis carried out in accordance with theOrganizing Constitution for China-Italy Youth Fashion Future Design Competition.
IV. Theme and Orientation
1. 大赛主题:
时尚·演化(Fashion · Evolution)
1. Theme: Fashion · Evolution
2. Slogan: Evolve among changes— innovate through exploration
2. 大赛定位
3. Features:
l Integrate high-quality government-business-university-research resources;
l Build a valuable resource of innovative design talents;
l Build an international platform for design exchanges;
l Facilitate the transformation of innovative designs to practical outcomes; and
l Lead the trendoffashion design.
The competition is open to innovative art practitioners under 45 years old from China, Italy and the rest of the world, including but not limited to artists, designers, college students and faculty members in the major of design, and employees of studios and companies.
VI. Theme Interpretation
本届大赛以“时尚·演化”(Fashion · Evolution)为主题。青年设计师们的锐意逐新既响应了变化,亦推动了变化,也让更多人通过大赛看到了变化。从演化的视角审视时尚的历史积存、当下洞见与未来臆想,推动时尚在应对变化上的灵活、开放与包容。本届大赛倡导在面料、服装、配饰等领域的时尚演变设计,通过设计理念的丰富想象,展现中国自信形象与国际开放包容心态,焕发时代光彩,共建时尚设计未来演进新生态。
The competition is themed “Fashion · Evolution”. Creation and innovation of those young designers not only echoes with, but also promotes the changes, giving more people an opportunity to see changes with their own eyes. From the perspective of evolution, we are able to delve into history, current insights and expectation of fashion, and further achieve the flexibility, openness and inclusiveness of fashion in the midst of changes. The competition advocates the evolution of textile printing design, fashion design and accessories design, and demonstrates China’s confidence, inclusiveness and openness through the diversified design concepts, with an aim to show the splendor of this new era and build a new ecosystem of fashion design for future evolution.
Under the theme of “Fashion · Evolution”, the competition has three categories:textile’s printingdesign,fashiondesign and accessories design.
1. 面料设计
1.Textile’s PrintingDesign
Focuses onnew designs fortextile printing patternsused for clothing, home and beyond.
2. 服装设计
Focuses on creative daily fashion designswith equal emphasis on artistry and function.
3. Accessories Design
Focuses on designs foraccessories thatare bothfashionable and practical, including shoes, hats, bags, jewelry and more.
VII. Requirements
1. 参赛作品应围绕大赛主题进行设计。
1. The entry shouldreflectthe themeof the competition.
2. 参赛作品可以提交系列作品,以组稿形式参赛,组稿不多于5个作品。
2. The entry can be designed and submitted as a series, with up to five pieces of work.
3. 提交的设计作品必须是设计者原创作品,拥有完整的知识产权,且未曾公开正式发表。如出现抄袭、盗用等涉及著作版权纠纷问题,一经发现,将被取消参赛资格,由此引发的版权、著作权纠纷及法律问题,由参赛者自行承担。
3. The entry submitted shouldbe the original workofthe designerwithcomplete intellectual property rights, and has not been officially published. In case of copyright disputes such as plagiarism and misappropriation,the entrywill be disqualified from the competition. The copyright disputes and any litigation arising therefromwillbe borne by the participants in question.
4. 参赛语言为中文或英文。
4. The working languages of the competition are Chinese and English.
5. 所有参赛报名材料(稿件、照片、视频等)一律不退,请自留底稿。参赛选手拥有参赛作品的完整知识产权,组委会对参赛作品(含设计稿和成品)拥有公开发表权,包括宣传、展览、演出、出版发行等。
5. All submitted materials such as samples, photos, videos, etc., will not be returned. Participants are strongly advised to keep a copies of their works. Participants enjoy full ownership of their intellectual property rights. The organizing committee has the right to publish the entries (including drafts and final pieces), for purposes including publicity, exhibition, performance, publication, distribution, etc.
6. 选手参赛所需费用,均由选手自筹。
6. All of the expenses, and liability arising out of or relating to one’s participation in the Competition shall be borne by the participant himself/ herself.
7. 参赛选手需提交的材料包括:
7. A complete entry includes:
Materials required forregistrationandpreliminary round:
1)作品设计图纸: 5页之内,尺寸为A3横版或竖版,分辨率300dpi,文件大小10mb以内,格式为png、jpg、jpeg格式,设计图纸应包含作品名称、效果图和设计说明,从设计主题、构思、结构图、效果图、实物照片(有实物可附上照片,无实物提供电子稿即可)、工艺等角度对作品进行详细阐述;作品设计图纸文字为中文或英文,不得出现作者姓名及任何个人信息,不得出现参赛企业名称,否则视为无效作品。
1)Design drawings shouldbewithin 5 pages in A3 size, 300dpi ofresolution, within 10MB, and in the format of PNG, JPG or JPEG. It shouldinclude the title, effect drawing, and description, and elaborates the entry on the theme, conception, structural drawing, effect drawing, physical photos, and technology.All text should be in Chinese or English without any indications of the author’s name or marks or any participating enterprise’s name, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.
2) 作品视频(如有),不超过3分钟,MP4(h264编码)格式,画面比例自定,文件大小不超过100mb,可以配字幕,但不得以任何形式出现个人信息。
2) Video (if any) shouldbe within 3 minutes in MP4 (H264 coding) format, of self-determined aspect ratio and within 100MB. Subtitles are acceptable, but no private information in any form shouldbe disclosed.
1) 参赛承诺书:团队成员按照作者顺序签字扫描上传;
2) 作品参展协议;
3) 准备作品实物或模型;
Please prepare the following materials for submissionfor the semi-final:
1) Letter of Commitment: Team members should signtheletter ofcommitment by the order of the authors, then scan and upload the signed document;
2) Exhibition Agreement;
3) Material object or model of the entry; and
4) VI file of the entry (for exhibition).
Please prepare the followingitemsforconfirmationofthe final:
1) Material object or model of the entry; and
2)Whether participantswill attend the finals in person.
VIII How to participate:
Entriesshould be submitted onthe official website of the competition.
Official website: http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn
Email and telephone contact are available for participants who have extenuating circumstances, such as poor network access. Email: cidih@tsinghua.edu.cn
Tel: 010-62780560, 010-62780583
IX. Schedule
1. Launch period: 18 April, 2023. The announcement of the organizing committee shall prevail.
2. 作品征集:4月18日-7月31日
2. Call for Entries: 18 April to 31 July, 2023
Participants may register on the official website of the competition (Email and telephone contact are available for participants who have extenuating circumstances, such as poor network access) between 18 April and 31 July, 2023. Participants can sign up as individuals or teams (with up to five members).
3. 大赛初评:8月
3.Preliminary Evaluation: August
The organizing committee will organize the preliminary evaluation, in which 100 entrieswill be selectedfor thesemi-final. The results will be announcedonthe official website.Entries that go into the semi-final will be exhibited.
4.Semi-finalEvaluation: September 2023
A total of30 entrieswill be selected, which will be announcedonthe official website.
5. Final and the awarding ceremony are scheduled to be held in October 2023.
6. The exhibition of outstanding works will be held after the final.
X. Awards
1.GrandPrizeofChina Textile CityCup(3 items)
Textile’s PrintingDesign x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)
FashionDesign x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)
Accessories Design x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)
2. Award for the Most Creative Design (Award for Judges’ Special Recommendation) x 3, (RMB 20,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources);
3. 最具商业价值奖共12项,税前奖金1万元+创新创业资源包;
3. Award for the Most Commercially Valuable Design x 12 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources);
4. Award for Innovative Designer x 12 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources);
5. The prizes, certificates, and trophies will be awarded by the organizing committee respectively;
6. 获奖作品将保留参加未来在米兰设计周中意设计创新基地专题展览的资格。
6. The awarded workswillqualify for the special exhibitionto be heldby the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub during the Milan Design Week.
关键词: 中意青年未来时尚设计大赛 服装设计大赛 面料设计大赛 配饰设计大赛